202 steps – Worldviews limit perspective

Our entire universe in just 202 steps. Look at those numbers. As you scroll through them, know this, we started with the smallest meaningful units of space and time. The first 64 notations are part of the universe that is hidden from view or direct analysis.

Historically, Immanuel Kant ‘s four questions — Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? And, what is the meaning and value of life? — were as basic as one could ask. Without a new context, your answer over the years will remain essentially the same.

You are much more than you think you are. It has been said that you are the sum total of all your relations. Everybody you know and ever met participates in your very being. That adds a new level of complexity. Yet, if you know that you have a trillion-trillion touchpoints to the infinite, that changes our simple impression that we started as a sperm and an egg.

This project all began in a high school geometry class. You can and will understand this simple math and geometry. Here you will see the universe and the smallest parts of the universe which you hold within you and you share with everybody, everything, everywhere for all time.

That’s a lot to take in. Become like one of our students who did a science fair project that started with a tetrahedron and an octahedron. Two big words for simple objects. Take a look. Here is a tetrahedron — https://81018.com/tot/ — and here is the octahedron — https://81018.com/octahedron/ — to study.

Notice anything about them?

https://81018.com/walk-the-planck/ was in our earliest days of wrestling with it all.

The page I was referencing above is here: https://81018.com/chart/Here are a lot of big numbers that we need to learn.  https://81018.com/tredecillion/

https://81018.com/open-door/  I’ll try to make it as simple but complete as possible. I have been writing for our leading scholars for too long now and this will be a delightful respite.  This file is: https://81018.com/genesis/



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