How Glenmerry Elementary Ignited Math Learning with Mathletics (Your School Can Too)!

Is math often met with resistance in your classroom? Are you looking for ways to:

Make math more fun and engaging?
Combat math anxiety and boost confidence?
Help students of all levels thrive?

Watch Principal Terry Jones share how Glenmerry Elementary revamped their math program and ignited learning with the help of Mathletics (and how your school can too)!

Facing math challenges: Glenmerry seeks a solution
Terry Jones, Principal at Glenmerry Elementary in British Columbia, Canada, knew their existing math program wasn’t reaching every student.
Recent disruptions had impacted learning, leaving many students feeling discouraged and lacking in confidence.
Glenmerry was searching for a way to support those who had fallen behind and needed to catch up.
They aimed to re-engage students who had become discouraged or anxious about math while also creating a positive learning environment for all, regardless of ability.
Their search for a solution to reinvigorate learning led them to Mathletics, our online math program for schools.
Boosting engagement: Math goes rotational
Leveraging their experience with rotational learning in literacy, Glenmerry’s teachers saw its potential to transform math into a more engaging experience.
They envisioned a classroom where students weren’t confined to worksheets, but rather actively participating in a variety of learning activities.
Terry explains:

“We implemented a rotational model where students rotate through different learning stations. One station focuses on direct instruction with the teacher, another on collaborative activities and the final station on independent practice. This is where Mathletics comes in and really supports the learning that’s going on in the classroom. So many of our teachers are now using this rotational model and Mathletics is a key part of it.”

Mathletics provides a treasure trove of engaging lessons and exciting challenges that cater to each student’s individual learning pace and needs.
Students can work independently, reinforcing concepts learned during teacher-led instruction and practicing essential skills.
Whether it’s through captivating activities, interactive features or rewarding games, Mathletics provides a platform for students to excel and develop a genuine love for math.

Empowering every math learner
One of the biggest benefits Terry highlights is Mathletics’ ability to cater to individual needs.

“We have some students who have really struggled with math, and they often tell me that Mathletics provides a level for them that’s a good starting point and then allows them to experience success.”

This personalized learning experience is critical in demystifying math and transforming it from a subject of dread to one of discovery.
Mathletics provides a comprehensive suite of features to differentiate instruction with ease, ensuring every student receives appropriate challenges and support tailored to their individual pace.
By combining rotational learning’s diverse approach with Mathletics’ dynamic practice, Glenmerry empowers students to grasp concepts in their own way, fostering a sense of ownership and confidence.

Seamless integration for teachers
Implementing a new tool can be daunting, yet Mathletics proved to be an exception.
Terry shares:

“Our teachers, each at different stages of familiarity with the program, received support from Mathletics. We had representatives come online with our teachers to help us navigate those initial possibilities, and just like everything else we learn from each other as we become more and more comfortable.”

This facilitated a smooth transition and encouraged widespread adoption among the staff.
Mathletics also offers ongoing support and professional development resources, as well as a comprehensive online Help Hub.
This ensures the program isn’t just adopted, but fully embraced, empowering teachers to harness its full potential.

From fear to fun: Mathletics makes a difference
The impact of Mathletics at Glenmerry has been overwhelmingly positive according to Terry.

“Students’ response to the program has been remarkably positive. There’s not a single negative comment! Learning math is really difficult. It’s one of the things that kids will talk about as their most negative experience in school. We’re trying to change that by finding where kids fit on a learning continuum and where they’re able to be successful.“

Mathletics has not only alleviated the fear associated with math but also fostered a sense of accomplishment and enthusiasm among students.
The success at Glenmerry Elementary is a testament to the power of Mathletics and how it can be used to transform classroom learning and set students on a brighter path for the future.


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