
Gödel incompleteness, graduate course, Notre Dame, Fall 2024

This will be a graduate course at the University of Notre Dame. Course title: Gödel incompleteness Course description. We shall explore at length all aspects...
Gödel incompleteness, graduate course, Notre Dame, Fall 2024

Gödel incompleteness, graduate course, Notre Dame, Fall 2024

This will be a graduate course at the University of Notre Dame. Course title: Gödel incompleteness Course description. We shall explore at length all aspects...
Mileva Marić  and the Special Theory of Relativity – ThatsMaths

Mileva Marić  and the Special Theory of Relativity – ThatsMaths

The year 1905 was Albert Einstein’s “miracle year”. In that year, he published four papers in the renowned scientific journal Annalen der Physik. The...
Hidden in Plane Sight | The Aperiodical

Hidden in Plane Sight | The Aperiodical

This is a guest post by Elliott Baxby, a maths undergraduate student who wants to share an appreciation of geometrical proofs. I remember the days...
Dominic Welsh memorial service | Peter Cameron's Blog

A talk by Gareth Jones

Today I attended (remotely) a nice talk by Gareth Jones in the Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics, about prime powers in permutation...
Life Story of Mathematician & Philosopher of Infinity, interviewed by The Human Podcast, May 2024

Life Story of Mathematician & Philosopher of Infinity, interviewed by The Human Podcast, May 2024

I was interviewed by The Human Podcast on 17 May 2024. Please enjoy our sweeping conversation about nature of infinity, the nature of abstract...
Pythagorean Tuning and the Spiral of Theodorus – ThatsMaths

Pythagorean Tuning and the Spiral of Theodorus – ThatsMaths

The notes of the chromatic scale in the key of C. Most of us are familiar with the piano keyboard. There are twelve distinct notes...
Prime-generating functions | The Aperiodical

Prime-generating functions | The Aperiodical

A few weeks ago I heard someone casually refer to ‘that formula of Euler’s that generates primes’. I hadn’t heard of this, but it...
Dominic Welsh memorial service | Peter Cameron's Blog

A talk on discrete mathematics

The Academy for Discrete Mathematics and Applications is an Indian organisation founded in 2005 to foster and support interest in discrete mathematics. The current...
Measuring Liquid Volume in 3rd Grade

Measuring Liquid Volume in 3rd Grade

3rd graders continue to develop their understanding of measurement by learning about liquid volume. Liquid volume is the amount of liquid contained in a...
Engaging Students in Math with Digital Stickers

Engaging Students in Math with Digital Stickers

 Let's face it, traditional math worksheets often leave students feeling...well, deflated. But imagine injecting a burst of fun and interactivity with just a click!...