
Goldman Sachs loses profit after hits from GreenSky, real estate

Second-quarter profit fell 58% to $1.22 billion, or $3.08 a share, due to steep declines in trading and investment banking and losses related to...

Goldman Sachs loses profit after hits from GreenSky, real estate

Second-quarter profit fell 58% to $1.22 billion, or $3.08 a share, due to steep declines in trading and investment banking and losses related to...
Multiplication principle and addition principle

Fundamental Counting Principle

We will introduce the fundamental counting principle with an example. This counting principle is all about choices we might make given many possibilities. Multiplication principle Suppose...
On product representations of squares

A generalized Cauchy-Schwarz inequality via the Gibbs variational formula

Let be a non-empty finite set. If is a random variable taking values in , the Shannon entropy of ...
The Battlestar Galactica Theory of Math Education – Math with Bad Drawings

The Battlestar Galactica Theory of Math Education – Math with Bad Drawings

Last month, as I read Christopher J. Phillips’ brief and engrossing The New Math: A Political History, I found myself reciting the ominous line...


Calculus: Discontinuity and Limits - IntoMath

Calculus: Discontinuity and Limits – IntoMath

A function can be continuous or discontinuous. There are different types of discontinuities that we will go over here. We will also show you...
SAT math

How To Be Prepared To Face It And Survive

What is the SAT math test? How to ace it The SAT is a standardized, comprehensive assessment that colleges and other institutions of higher education use...
On product representations of squares

Talks at the JMM

Earlier this year, I gave a series of lectures at the Joint Mathematics Meetings at San Francisco. I am uploading here the slides...
A riddle about jigsaw puzzles. – Math with Bad Drawings

A riddle about jigsaw puzzles. – Math with Bad Drawings

As my four-year-old gets more and more into jigsaw puzzles, my role as father has narrowed to a single, satisfying, Zen-like task: Sorting edge pieces...
Intersecting Lines

Intersecting Lines | What Are Intersecting Lines?

Two lines that cross each other at a particular point are called intersecting lines. The point where two lines cross is called the point of intersection. Definition...