Order of general linear groups over finite commutative rings

For a ring with identity, we denote by the Jacobson radical of the group of units of the ring of matrices with entries from and the group of units of respectively.

Here we proved this basic result that if is a finite field, then

In the same post, we also showed that if is a finite ring with identity, then

We are now going to use to find for any finite commutative ring with identity

Theorem. Let be a finite commutative ring with identity, and let be the set of all maximal ideals of Let Then

Proof (Y. Sharifi). Let By the Chinese Remainder Theorem,

and hence

The above ring isomorphism gives the group isomorphism

and so

On the other hand, by Example 8 in this post, and so, by applied to and also by

Example. Let be the prime factorization of an integer Then

Proof. Let The maximal ideals of are and

Therefore Also and so The result now follows from the Theorem.

Note. The above Example was posted on the Art of Problem Solving website as a problem yesterday; you can see the problem and my solution here.

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