
Gödel incompleteness, graduate course, Notre Dame, Fall 2024

This will be a graduate course at the University of Notre Dame. Course title: Gödel incompleteness Course description. We shall explore at length all aspects...
Gödel incompleteness, graduate course, Notre Dame, Fall 2024

Gödel incompleteness, graduate course, Notre Dame, Fall 2024

This will be a graduate course at the University of Notre Dame. Course title: Gödel incompleteness Course description. We shall explore at length all aspects...
Mileva Marić  and the Special Theory of Relativity – ThatsMaths

Mileva Marić  and the Special Theory of Relativity – ThatsMaths

The year 1905 was Albert Einstein’s “miracle year”. In that year, he published four papers in the renowned scientific journal Annalen der Physik. The...
Hidden in Plane Sight | The Aperiodical

Hidden in Plane Sight | The Aperiodical

This is a guest post by Elliott Baxby, a maths undergraduate student who wants to share an appreciation of geometrical proofs. I remember the days...
Dominic Welsh memorial service | Peter Cameron's Blog

A talk by Gareth Jones

Today I attended (remotely) a nice talk by Gareth Jones in the Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics, about prime powers in permutation...
Gödel incompleteness, graduate course, Notre Dame, Fall 2024

Gödel incompleteness, graduate course, Notre Dame, Fall 2024

This will be a graduate course at the University of Notre Dame. Course title: Gödel incompleteness Course description. We shall explore at length all aspects...
Mileva Marić  and the Special Theory of Relativity – ThatsMaths

Mileva Marić  and the Special Theory of Relativity – ThatsMaths

The year 1905 was Albert Einstein’s “miracle year”. In that year, he published four papers in the renowned scientific journal Annalen der Physik. The...
Hidden in Plane Sight | The Aperiodical

Hidden in Plane Sight | The Aperiodical

This is a guest post by Elliott Baxby, a maths undergraduate student who wants to share an appreciation of geometrical proofs. I remember the days...
Dominic Welsh memorial service | Peter Cameron's Blog

A talk by Gareth Jones

Today I attended (remotely) a nice talk by Gareth Jones in the Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics, about prime powers in permutation...
Measuring Perimeter in 3rd Grade

Measuring Perimeter in 3rd Grade

The perimeter of a shape is the length of the lines that form its sides. Since 3rd graders measure the perimeter of polygons, they...
Explore the World of Mathematics with Famous Mathematicians Posters

Explore the World of Mathematics with Famous Mathematicians Posters

Mathematics is a fascinating subject that influences various aspects of our lives, from architecture to technology. To ignite your students' passion for math and...